Sunday, April 13

Perhaps it was the closest to a spring morning i can ever hope to find in my tropical country—and it was enchanting.
The sun was cool and golden as i walked to Mass at the Capuchinesse Monastery on the other side of the wall from the Retreat Center; everything it touched seemed to glow a smile. After Mass, the warm greetings of old friends paired with charming, heartfelt smiles and ribbings, seemed to make the morning even more joyous. Walking back to the Center, i noticed the chorus of birdsong filling the air—trilling notes that seemed to dance on the rays of sunshine that made young, dewy leaves sparkle with delight. As the birds gaily hopped from one branch to another, i couldn’t help but be dumbfounded by the marvelous vision of life aglow.
Amid the troubles that i wearily carry, i felt as if the Lord had for a moment chosen to walk with me to remind me of hope and beauty.
<thank you, Lord.>

A fitting theme:;
More pictures here:

Our sins & burdens, along with our hopes & dreams, we nail to the cross of the Lord; for only by sharing in His cross can we ever share in His resurrection.
[journeying with Ateneo Professional Schools librarians, on this my last Lenten retreat for the year]

Monday, April 7

Iesus Christus heri, et hodie: ipse et in sæcula. Doctrinis variis, et peregrinis nolite abduci.
[Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teaching.] >>Hebrews 13:8-9a

Do not mistake novelty with validity.
Not all things new are credible; not all things timely are worthy. There is value in tradition; there is virtue in time-tested ideas. It is a grievous mistake to be too eager in dismissing the legacy of previous generations.